2023 Stepping Out to Cure Scleroderma - Detroit Stampede
Mighty Team Mooneyham
Thank you for visiting my Team Fundraising page to support the 2023 Stepping Out to Cure Scleroderma event!
Donating through this site is simple, fast, and secure. It is also the most efficient way to make a contribution to support my team’s effort to raise funds for people living with scleroderma. To make a donation, click on one of the team members to make a gift towards their fundraising effort to help our team.
If you would like to join our team and help raise funds, please click on “Join Team” and follow the directions.
Our team sincerely appreciates your support, and we ask you to please share this with anyone who you think might want to help.
Help our team bring more awareness to scleroderma so we can raise awareness and find a cure!
Team Roster
Team Gifts
Denotes a Team Captain
Gold Team Milestone
Team raised $5,000 or more!
Team Progress
of Goal
Team Honor Roll
Alex Dumm
Barbara Delbeke
Brian & Margaret
C & G 4 Season Maintenance
Casey Stroze
Creative Techniques, Inc
Dan Garr
David Mooneyham
Edie Degaetano
Gary and Cindy Mooneyham
Haley Garr
Harold Woodhall
Janet Mooneyham
Jeem Zaccardelli
Jilliann Miller
Joe and Gina Wayne
John and Michelle Brown
John Bradley
Julie Zaccardelli & Richard Cook
Kay Smith
Kimberly Zaidan
Lisa Garr
Lisa Garr
Michael Mooneyham
Mike and Sue Roberts
Mr Bill
Mr. Brian D Gray
Mrs. Diane Prenkert
Mrs. Kelley Lenor Mooneyham
Ms. Christine Debacker
Ms. Karen Moran
Noreen & Rich
Penny Thomas
Plasti-Fab, Inc.
PRI Plus, Inc
Robinson Industries
Ronald Smith
Rose Rhoades
Ryan Garr
Sharron Metcalfe
Susan Casaceli
Thomas Stroze
Toni Cleland
Tonya Bradley
Tonya, Lindsay and Families
Valerie Durkin
Woody & Janet
Top Donors
Noreen & Rich
Tonya, Lindsay and Families
Woody & Janet
Gary and Cindy Mooneyham
Creative Techniques, Inc