Our Progress: $17,332 Goal: $50,000

Event Information

Stepping Out to Cure Scleroderma New England Virtual Walk

When: June 26, 2021
Event Time: 9:00 AM 12:00 PM Facebook Live/ZOOM (TBD)

Please join us for the Stepping Out to Cure Scleroderma New England Virtual Walk!

One Day Brings Us All Together: Saturday, June 26, 2021

As we head into our second year of virtual events, we would like to unite the New England region for one day where we all symbolically "Step Out for Scleroderma". Whether you decide to join our live events online, participate in our planned games and giveaways, or simply choose to quietly support SFNE, June 26 is a day for us all to come together as a community to raise funds for research and education!

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Thank You Sponsors

Champion Sponsors

Janssen Pharmaceuticals

Partner Sponsors

Boehringer Ingelheim
Boehringer Ingelheim