Thank you for visiting my Team Courageous Crego fundraising page to support the 2022 "Stepping Out to Cure Scleroderma Stampede" event!
I was diagnosed with Scleroderma 5 years ago, and still am not in remission. More research is needed for better treatments that will lead to remission and hopefully someday soon, a cure. I'll keep going to my many doctor appointments and follow through on my treatments, but in the meantime, PLEASE help raise funds to create HOPE for me and other patients with Scleroderma.
Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to make a contribution to support me and help raise funds for scleroderma patients. To make a tax deductible donation, click on my name listed under the team roster, and it will take you to my personal page where you can hit the "Donate Now" link that appears under my photo. Then, just follow the instructions to donate under my name (you do not have to register for the event to donate, just donate under from my personal page rather then the team page...as there are awards for top individual fundraiser...and I am competitive!).
FOR THOSE WHO ARE COURAGEOUS CREGO PARTNERS, PLEASE CONSIDER SETTING UP JOINING OUR TEAM, AND FUND RAISING AMONG YOUR CONTACTS. If each of our friends was able to raise at least $50 beyond their own registration, it woud make a HUGE difference. This year the Foundation is funding more juvinille research and programs, so now is the time to impact the lives of our youngest Scleroderma Warriors. Register under Team Courageous Crego "Join my Team" and join us as a walker/runnner and/or fundraiser.
Please help us bring more awareness to scleroderma so we can find a cure! So many of the families fighting Scleroderma are struggling under medical expense and don't have the resources to provide the funding needed, so we rely on our family and friends to help. We sincerely appreciate your support.
Much love and appreciation, Ian and Team Courageous Crego