Stepping Out to Cure Scleroderma - Manhattan

Team Cowan

We will be STEPPING OUT VIRTUALLY to CURE SCLERODERMA this year with the FaceBook Live Event June 26. Please join us and support our efforts as you have for so many years.

It is hard to believe 2021 will be Team Cowan’s 20th year Stepping Out in memory of Pat (June 22, 2000) and Beverly (June 21, 2001). Together with you our family and friends we have accomplished much over these years. Raising funds for research that have brought treatments to patients that were not available in the 90’s when Pat and Beverly were battling scleroderma. We have heightened awareness to the public therefore helping newly diagnosed patients receive treatments sooner, offering better outcomes and quality of life. Our advocacy efforts (Bruce and Lindsay have walked the halls of congress) have brought about funding from the federal government of $5,000,000 for scleroderma research each of the last 2 years.

This will be Bruce’s last event as the Tri-State Chapter Executive Director as I will retire July 30. Bruce will match the first $5,000 donated to Team Cowan.

Scleroderma is a chronic connective tissue disease generally classified as one of the autoimmune rheumatic diseases. Scleroderma affects approximately 300,000 people in the United States, and women outnumber men as patients, four to one. The symptoms of Scleroderma vary greatly from individual to individual, and the effects of Scleroderma can range from very mild to life-threatening or fatal. The exact cause or causes of Scleroderma are still unknown, and there is no cure. The Stepping Out to Cure Scleroderma Walk is our chance to make a difference in the fight against Scleroderma. Please join us in this fight as we raise money to help fund essential research; provide patient education and support; and raise public awareness.

Select “Join My Team” to register as a virtual walker and walk virtually with Team Cowan.

Our sincerest Thank You in advance for your support.

XO Team Cowan

Bruce & Donna; Lindsay & Nick; John & Katie

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If you would like more information about scleroderma or the Tri-State Chapter, please go to



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