Virtual Stepping Out
Stepping Out Virtually - Your Way, Your Day, Your Place
Can’t make it to the event at Bear Creek Pioneers Park, Pavilion 6 on April 30? You can register as a virtual participant for $20 and share your virtual experience with the Texas Bluebonnet Chapter.
Virtual participation means you can do anything from a Couch-Con and just enjoy your favorite movie while raising awareness and funds for scleroderma, walk around your favorite mall or park, or even invite family and friends over and have a game night. Be creative and have fun with your personalized virtual experience while raising funds for the scleroderma community.
No matter where you live, what your situation is, you can be a virtual participant. Be creative, don’t hesitate to share your experience with others and above all, have FUN!
Steps to becoming a virtual participant
- Register online as a virtual participant for $20
- Decide on your virtual experience
- Share with family and friends asking them to support your experience
- Send us photos
- Don’t forget to wear teal to further raise awareness!
The Texas Bluebonnet Chapter is here to help you fundraise we can help brainstorm ideas, provide free Zoom calls, and more.