Hardy Mainers Virtual Stepping Out to Cure Scleroderma

2007 Mushroom Finds - Sandra and Ambrose
2007 Mushroom Finds - Sandra and Ambrose

Team Ambrose

This year (2020) is a virtual walk due to COVID 19.

The New England Chapter of the Scleroderma Foundation (SFNE) is a non-profit organization and receives no government funding. It is entirely dependent on public contributions to fund its mission of education, support, and research seeking a cure to the disease.

Ambrose courageously faced his engagement with Scleroderma. He passed away on December 11, 2011, 3 days before his 57th birthday. We just missed our 25th anniversary by 2 short years. I ask you to consider making a donation to SFNE to help others in their journey. I thank you for your consideration and in memory of a truly great person who left us far too early. 

To A Cure, Sandra

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