Our Progress: $2,308 Goal: $5,000

Event Information


When: June 29, 2022
Where: Virtual

Please join us for the SFNE 2022 VIRTUAL WALK!

We're going to make "virtual' a reality in 2022 by turn our Worcester, Westbrook, Westfield and North Shore Stepping Out events into a virtual event on WORLD SCLERODERMA DAY! Here's your opportunity to walk, stroll, run, in a park, on the beach, on a treadmill, and have fun doing it!

As we slowly return to in-person events, we are focusing our resources closer to home. But our work hasn't stopped, and the need to fundraise continues!

This online fundraising initiative will allow you to register and hold your own symbolic walk on an important day. We will be sharing photos on our social media and hope you will too!

Thank You Sponsors

Champion Sponsors

Janssen Pharmaceuticals

Partner Sponsors

Boehringer Ingelheim
Boehringer Ingelheim