Welcome to Upper Great Lakes Chapter Serving Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
Scleroderma Upper Great Lakes Chapter

Parents of Children with Scleroderma

Wednesday, October 5, 2022
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
As a parent, you would do anything for your child. When you found out your child had scleroderma, you were likely filled with some shock, confusion and fear. Maybe you did not know what scleroderma was. Or its effects. Or what it would mean for your child’s future. Luckily, the National Scleroderma Foundation Michigan Chapter makes it our mission to increase awareness, raise funds for research and build support. To help parents of children with scleroderma, we are excited to announce our newest support group designed specifically for you. This group joins a collection of existing groups throughout the state. Each meeting, we will focus on a different juvenile scleroderma topic–from managing the needs of everyone in the house to self-care for caregivers. It is our hope that you will join us, ask questions, find comfort, and leave with a sense of hope and support for your child.

Meets virtually via Zoom on the first Wednesday of even months (e.g., June, August, etc.) at 7:30 p.m. Eastern. 

Click here to register.

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