
#TealTalk Self-Care Toolkit

Thursday, June 27, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Join us on June 27, 2024, at 2p ET, for our fourth and final 2024 #TealTalk for a Self-Care Toolkit experience.

Our speakers will include Janet Poole, PhD, OTR/L, and Meghan Thomas, a young adult living with scleroderma.

Dr. Janet Poole is the Division Chief, Professor and Program Director for the Occupational Therapy Graduate Program in the University of New Mexico Health Sciences. She is also a member of the Foundation's Medical & Scientific Advisory Board. She will share self-care tools and tricks for people living with scleroderma.

Meghan Thomas is a 27 year-old young adult living with scleroderma from the state of Virginia. After years of fighting for answers, she was finally diagnosed at the young age of 17. With the help of her therapy dog, Daisy, she is working to spread awareness of this devastating disease in the hopes of improving the quality of life of patients and ultimately finding a cure. Meghan will talk about her therapy dog, Daisy, and the tremendous positive effect of having pet support while living with a chronic disease.

The panel will be moderated by Ron Sasso, National Scleroderma Foundation Patient Advisory Board member, facilitator of the Newly Diagnosed National Support Group, and proud papa of felines Stormi and Keanu.

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