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FY25 Funding for CDC Chronic Disease Research

Our Priorities

As a community, scleroderma advocates are focused on outreach to United States Senators and Representatives to increase their understanding of scleroderma and its dramatic impact on the health of individuals and families. Symptoms of scleroderma can derail a person’s life and end a career or cause isolation from peer groups and society.

Call to Action! Support FY25 Funding for CDC Chronic Disease Research

Chronic diseases account for seven of the top ten causes of death in America and more than ninety percent of our annual healthcare spending. Hundreds of thousands of Americans who suffer from unpreventable chronic conditions need access to care. However, the deadliest and costliest chronic diseases are also the most preventable. Resources to lower the rate of preventable chronic diseases are essential for our healthcare system to better support individuals with unpreventable chronic conditions and invisible illnesses.

Please join the National Scleroderma Foundation by emailing your member of Congress requesting support for federal research and scientific advancements related to chronic diseases through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP). And a funding request of $6 million for the Chronic Disease Education and Awareness Program for FY25.

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Call to Action! Support FY25 Funding for CDC Chronic Disease Research

Dear  Law Maker,

As your constituent, I am writing to request your support of federal research and scientific advancements related to chronic diseases through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP). And a funding request of $6 million for the Chronic Disease Education and Awareness Program for FY25.

Individuals, (like myself, family member, or friend) living with scleroderma and all living with a chronic illness will benefit greatly from the CDC's work with partners on education, outreach, and public awareness activities for multiple chronic diseases that are not currently funded through a CDC and/or the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) appropriations line. This will strengthen the science base for prevention, education, and public health awareness that could lead to evidence-based public health interventions to make meaningful improvements in patient outcomes.

Kind regards,
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